Did you know that there is one of so-called autistic spectrum disorder rett syndrome. Symptoms arising from other reet syndrome sufferers antaral is verbally: sometimes they stop talking while they always say certain words. Whereas in terms of physicalloss of ability to walk properly. One is the loss of function of the movements of their hands to do simple things like a stereotypical hand gestures, such as racking, clappingtheir hands or patting, accompanied by slowing the growth of the brain and the head,
When a toddler infant with rett syndrome symptoms look the same as normal childrenin General. But then lost skills and ability to develop as a normal child in General.Some of the other symptoms are seizures, constipation, problems with sleep,particularly disturbed sleep patterns at night and increased total sleep and during the day, especially problems with the rhythm of the heart beat them.
It turns out most women experience these symptoms. Rett syndrome is a disorder that affects the neurodevelopmenal women almost exclusively. Most women with these symptoms can survive to adulthood. But they were all his life cannot be separated from other people's aid in her treatment. Treatment for rett syndrome sufferers are ideally carried out since they are the age of the children. The aim is to encourage communication and social contact, enhance the functions of the body such as walking properly, train sensors motoric coarse and fine motor skills so that members of the movement to his body still persists.
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"Rett Syndrome" |
The majority of cases of Rett syndrome is caused by mutations in the MECP2 gene, which is found on the X chromosome. this disorder identified by Dr. Andreas Rett, a physician who first described Austria in a recent journal article in 1966. Then publishedagain in 1983 by Dr. Bengt Hagberg Sweden researchers
For health care in people with rett syndrome myself there are some therapists, such as:
* Physical therapists, who help the patient improve or maintain mobility and balance and reduce defects back and limbs
* Motor Sensor Specialist Therapists, that help patients to improve or maintain use oftheir hands and reduce stereotypic hand movements.
* Speech Therapists, who help patients using means of non-verbal communication and increasing social interaction.
* Treatment, although the drug cannot cure Rett syndrome, sufferers it helpful to controlling the symptoms associated with the disorder, such as seizures and muscle stiffness.
* Nutritional Support, proper nutrition is essential for normal growth and to improve mental and social function. Some children with Rett Syndrome may "require" high-fat and high-calorie foods. Nutritional support is also provided through nose (nasogastrik interval) or directly at the stomach.
Though health providers have the ability to help patients, but the most important thing is the role of the family. Family closeness with patient relations is urgently needed because it gives spirit to the patient to develop even better.