Know the Symptoms of MSDD Multisystem Developmental Disorder

In some ways, the MSDD is considered different from Autism. First, children who experience MSDD tend to give a better response compared to children with Autism. Delay in mental abilities as well as conduct rituals of repetitive/shown by the children of MSDD tend to be milder compared to children with autism disorders. But behold, this is quite difficult to diagnose MSDD distinguished given the age between childhood autism and MSDD showed similar behaviour problems.

Multisystem Developmental Disorder (MSDD) is a term that has recently often used to explain some of the child who has problems of communication, social, as well as problems in sensory processing which is not classified as a whole in several categories of autism is. Diagnose MSDD is often given during early childhood.

Not settled as MSDD disorders disorders of the Autistis Spectrum Disorders, but it is very likely to occur. Understanding sensory disorders include multiple MSDD and interaction knowledge motor. Symptoms of MSDD include: disruption in social and emotional contact with their parents or caregivers, disturbance in maintaining and developing communication, a disruption in the process auditory and interruptions in the process of a variety of other knowledge or motor coordination.

Some child development experts use clarification are referred to as Zero to three's Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Development Disorders of Infacy and early Childhood. DC-0-3 uses the concept that the process of diagnosis is sustainable and continuous process, so that the treating physician in the increase of the age can be steeped in signs, symptoms and diagnosis in children. The diagnosis cannot be established quickly, but has to go through careful observation and repeated over and over. In upholding the diagnosis must be partners with parents to observe the progression of the relationship of the child with the parents and the environment.

Concept of DC 0-3 are used because of the difficulty in diagnosing Autism experience under 3 years, especially having symptoms that are not yet clear. This factor makes it difficult when a child is diagnosed with autism too early in its development, but it may just be development of disorders there is a tendency to improve or disappear. So when his son was diagnosed with Autism is something heavy for parents, as if already not hope for the child.

MSDD is diagnosis in terms of developmental disorders his ability connect, communicate, play and learn. Not settled as MSDD disorders disorders of the Autistis Spectrum Disorders, but it is very likely to occur. Understanding sensory disorders include multiple MSDD and interaction knowledge motor.

MSDD symptoms include:
• Interference in the process of a variety of other knowledge or motor coordination
• Disturbance of social and emotional in dealing with a parent or caregiver.
• Interference in the process auditory
• Disorders in maintaining and developing comunication

The problems experienced by the children of MSDD :
• Decline in the development of communication
• This child looks normal in the relative doing communication and interact socially despite the fact they did not react to neighbours around
• Nuisance behaviour that has more to do with unpleasant experiences than lack of interest in the environment
• Abnormal Reaction on stimulus in the form of sound, a particular texture, movement, temperature, as well as matters related to the sensation of the body (body sensations) other.
• Experience a variety of problems gained in organizing
• A reaction not common when experiencing pain
• Experiencing sleep disorders
• Avoid or even less pleased when touched, embraced or adopted
• Refuse when her hair washed, cut, or touched when combed, etc
• Having problems in doing coordination and he looks 'awkward'
• Experience a variety of problems sleeping, appetite and also activity
• Conduct what is quite visible on children MSDD?
• Explosiveness or emotional "meltdowns"
• Refuse some types of certain foods
• Force a certain type of clothing in determining, or even don't like at all
• Give an excessive reaction when reacting to the sound/movement
• Avoid certain sensory experiences or even rooting (explore redundant) to get a specific sensory experience

None of the medical checkup that can ensure a diagnosis of Autism in children. But there are a few checks that can support the diagnosis that can be used as a basis for intervention and treatment strategies.
Hearing:  when there is hearing loss has to do some checks Audio grams and Typanogram.
Elektroensefalogram(EEG): an EEG to check the brain waves show disorders seizures, tumors and abnormalities indicated on disorders of the brain..
Metabolic Screening: Checks done are blood and urine to see food metabolism in the body and its influence on the growing flower child. Some of the spectrum of autism can be cured with a special diet.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computer Assited Axial Tomography (Cat Scan): MRI or CAT Scan helpful to diagnose abnormalities of brain structure, because it can see the structure of the brain in more detail
Genetic Screening: Screening blood for genetic abnormalities, which can lead to impaired development. Some research shows that people with autism have a DNA pattern can be found in his body.

Direct Observation, Interview And Assessment Of Interactions:
Infoemasi about children's emotional, social, cognitive ability, communication of Information about a child's emotional, social, communication, and cognitive abilities is gathered through child directed interactions, observations in various situations, and interviews of parents and care givers. Parents and family members should be actively involved throughout these assessments. What actually occurs during a specific assessment depends on what information parents and evaluators want to know.

The purpose to find out how to get behavior change occurs (such as an odd motor behavior). Based on the consideration that change behavior is a way to communicate with the environment. Functional assessment included interviews, direct observation and interaction directly to find out if the child suffers from autism or related disabilities in communication through the child's behavior. Functionally, this assessment will assist in planning occupational therapy or intervention that should be given.

Involving parents, teachers, caregivers or other family members to observe situation of the game that can provide information on social relations, emotional, cognitive development and communication. By knowing the child's learning habits and patterns of interactions through assessment of the game, the treatment can be planned on an individual basis.

Sensory Integration (SI) is the primary treatment that can be used to help them. The target of the therapy is to overcome problems related to things related to sensory sensation. Included therein is the problem related to the touch, body position, movement, sounds, textures, and other foods. The technique used is to involve a child experiencing particular pressure (eg: with a textured ball touched right on her skin), playing swing. Speech therapy is a treatment that is equally important. It is intended that the child can face a lot of problems with regard to social skills.
Specialist therapy behavior (behavior therapists) can also greatly assist the parents in determining the goal and learn techniques that can be used to make a particular behavior can be achieved as well as eliminate unexpected behaviour.

Drugs can also be used in some cases, however, this approach is not very advisable considering the side effects that may arise from certain types of drugs.

Reference from:
Zero to Three Diagnostic Classification Task Force. (1994). Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC: 0-3) ™. Zero to Three. ISBN: 0943-657-32-6 [282]

Medical Professionals "Children Grow Up Clinic Information Education Network."2012. Dr. Widodo Judarwanto SpA, Pediatrician, Clinical – Editor in Chief