Reviewed back about my previous
article that discusses about autism. Here I will summarize some important point
all things related to autism. You need to know that the incidence of autisma
seems to be increasing rapidly in the last few years. This increase is mainly
due to increased delivery of information presented a variety of print and
electronic media, especially the internet. So both among both medical and
public health tehnolgi development knowing with regard to such matters. So the
problem behavior in children digression is particularly autisma this be the
actual and interesting problems that want to be known by people both from
academicians as well as society in General.
Autistic disorder or autisma in
children is one form of disease which belongs to the pervasive disorder. It is
very important to know the symptoms and signs of this disease early on because
of a faster penaganan will give you better results.
Some health experts also believe that the main thing is that the greater the possibility of progress and improvement in abnormalities in children found in an increasingly young age.
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"Autism Speaks" |
In the field of child psychiatry,
psychiatric disorders on child mortality is estimated at 5-10% of the
population. Abnormalities in the field of child development are divided into 2 large groups IE specific abnormalities as well as thorough/pervasiv disorder. Though these smaller abnormalities than other psychiatric disorders, patients require lifelong attention or at least throughout the development period.
Autism is a pervasive
developmental disorders in children are characterized by the presence of
disorders and delays in cognitive, language, behavior, communication and social
The term autisma to the patient
first introduced by Leo Kanner, a psychiatrist from Harvard (Kanner,
Disturbance of the Affective Contact for Austistic) in 1943 based on the
observation of the sufferers showed symptoms 11 difficulty relating to others,
isolate themselves, unusual behaviors and a strange way of communicating.
The cause of autism is not known
with certainty. Some experts mention autism is caused because there is a
disturbance of Biochemistry, other experts argue that autism is caused by
disorders of psychiatric/mental. Other experts argue that autism is caused by a
combination of the wrong food or contaminated environment toxic substances that
result in damage to the colon that results in problems in behaviour and
physical including autism.
Although exposure to heavy metals
(mercury) happen to any child, however only a small fraction are experiencing
the symptoms of autism. This may be related to genetic theories, one of which
is related to the theory of Metalotionin. Some research autism seems to get
discovered disorder netabolisme metalotionin.
Metalotionon is meruypakan the
main systems owned by the body detoxifies mercury, lead and other heavy metals.
Any heavy metals have different affinity terhada metalotionin. Based on the
affinity of mercury has the most affinity probe with terhadam metalotianin
compared to other heavy metals sepertoi tenbaga, silver or zinc.
Based on several studies that
have reported the experts indicate that the impairment caused by metalotianin
some of which are:
– Zinc Deficiency
– Excessive amounts of heavy metals
– A deficiency of cysteine
– Regulation of metallic element
– Genetic disorders, among others
in the gene Shaper netalotianin
Today, health experts in major
countries are increasingly paying attention to the disorder of autism in
children. So research on autism intensified and expanded. Previously,
abnormalities in autism is considered only as a result of authoritarian parents
treatment against his son. Technological advances make it possible to conduct
research on the causes of autism are genetic, metabolic and neuroimunology. In
May 2000, researchers in the US found a pile of protein in the brains of
newborns who later developed into the baby child of autism. These findings may
be able to be key in finding the main causes of autism so that prevention
measures can be carried out.
Autism is a pervasive
developmental disorders in children are characterized by the presence of
disorders and delays in cognitive, language, behavior, communication and social
in nonverbal and verbal communication
• Language proficiency experience
delays or completely unable to speak. Using words without connecting it with
the meaning of commonly used.
• Communicate using body language
and can only communicate in a short time.
• Words are unintelligible to others
("language of the planet")
• Do not understand or are not
using words in the appropriate context.
• Ekolalia (imitating),
mimicking the words, sentences or songs without knowing it.
• Interlocutor monotonous like a
• Talk to aren't used for
• Facial flat
in the areas of social interaction
• Refuse or avoid to face to face
• Do not turn when you called, so
often thought to be deaf
• Feel unhappy or reject the
• When you want something,
pulling the hand nearest the hand and expect that person to do something for
• Do not share enjoyment with
• During play when approached
instead away
• When you want something it
draws other people's hands and expect the hands to do something for her.
Disturbances in play
• Play very monotonous and
strange for example catenate SOAP into one long row, rotate the ball on a toy
car and observe carefully in a prolonged period of time.
• There is stickiness with
certain objects such as paper, picture, card or pillow case, continue to firmly
carry wherever he goes.
• When the happy one other toys
didn't want toys.
• Don't like the doll, but prefer
a less interesting objects such as bottles, rubber rings, batteries or other objects
• Not spontaneous/Dodge and not
be their imagination in play. Cannot replicate the actions of his friend and
can not start the game that is pura pura.
• Often noticed his fingers
alone, a fan that rotates or wind motion.
• Ritualistic behavior that often
occurs is difficult to change the daily routines, such as when playing a
particular sequence, must do when traveling to go through the same route.
• Is often regarded as a child
who loved the neatness to put certain items in place
• The child may seem hyperactive
e.g. when entering into a new home the first time he comes, he will open all
the doors, walking around there, running around not sure direction.
• Repeat a certain movement
(moving his hands like a flying bird). He also often hurt themselves like
hitting your head or head banging on the wall
• Can become very very passive or
hyperactive (subdued), sat quietly at a loose end with empty eyes stare. Angry
for no reason that makes sense. Very, very much concerned on one thing, ideas,
activities, or persons. Can not demonstrate his resourcefulness. Can be very
aggressive to others or himself.
• Cognitive Disorders of sleep,
eating disorders and other behavioral disorders.
and emotions disorder
• Giggling himself, crying or
angry for no apparent reason
• Often raging uncontrollably
(temper tantrum), especially when not getting something you want
• Often raging uncontrollably
(temper tantrum) when he obtained his desire not, could even become aggressive
and destructive.
• Cannot share feelings (empathy)
with other children
in sensory perception
• Sensitivity to light, hearing,
touch, smell and taste (taste buds) starting from mild to severe.
• Biting, licking or kissing the
toys or objects of any
• When you hear a loud noise, ear
• Crying each time washed her
• Feel uncomfortable when given a
particular outfit
• Do not like rabaan or a hug,
When his arms are often degenerate or break away from the hug.
So far not found the clinical
tests can diagnose autism directly. The best diagnosis is by means of carefully
observing the behavior of the child to communicate, behave and the level of its
development. Establishing the diagnosis of autism it is not easy because it
requires trained, experience and may take a minute to the observation that does
not. Many of the signs and symptoms of autism like behaviour caused by any
disorder besides autism. Clinical examination and other support may be
necessary to ensure the possibility of other causes.
Characteristics of people with
autism is an awful lot of manifold so that the most ideal way to diagnose is by
some children saw a team of doctors are experts such as neurological experts,
child psychologists, child disease experts, language therapist, expert faculty
and other professional experts in the field of autism.
Physician expert or professional
health practitioners who simply have little knowledge and insights into autism
will have difficulty in downloading the diagnosis of autism. Sometimes doctors
are experts or professional health practitioners erroneously perform diagnosis
and does not involve older people when performing diagnosis. The difficulty in
understanding autism can lead to errors in providing service to persons with
autism in General is in need of special attention and complicated.
The result is far from
instantaneous observation can be summed up as an absolute result of ability and
behavior of a child. Enter from parents regarding child development chronology
is paramount in determining the accuracy of the results of the diagnosis. At a
glance, people with autism can look like a child with mental retardation,
behavioral disorders, hearing loss or even behave strangely and nyentrik. The
more complicated the longer is all the symptoms above can arise simultaneously.
Therefore it is important to
distinguish between autism with a more accurate diagnosis and therefore
treatment as early as possible can be performed to determine the appropriate
IV (Diagnostic and Statistic manual)
To establish the diagnosis of
autism disorders clinicians often use the DSM IV manual.Autism disorders are
diagnosed based on DSM-IV:
A. There must be at least 6 symptoms
of (1), (2), and (3), with a minimum of should have 2 symptoms of (1), and one each
from the symptom (2) and (3):
social interaction, at least there should be two manifestations:
• Non verbal behavior like: eye contact is very less, the expression of the face is less live,
posture or movement of the body in social interactions
• Failure in dealing with older
peers in accordance with its development
• Cannot feel what others felt
• Lack of social and emotional
communication minimum 1 symptoms below:
• Talk late or even not at all developing (no effort to offset the communication in any other way without
• When can talk not used for
• Often use language that is
weird and repeated.
• How to play less and less
imaginative variations, less able to replicate.
(3) A pattern that is maintained and Repeated in behaviour, interests and activities. At least there should be 1
the symptoms below:
• Maintain one or more interests
in a way that is very typical and overrated.
• Glued on a ritual or routine
that is of no use
• There is a strange movements
typical of over and over again.
• Often dazzled on parts of
B. Vefore the age of 3 years
looks any delays or disruptions in the field:
1. Social interaction
2. Speech and language
3. How to play the less variation
C. Disturbance is not due to the
syndrome or Rett Disorder disintegratif childhood (Childhood Disintegrative
The standard reference used to
describe the type of autism is the fourth revision of the standard American DSM
(the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) which contains the criteria that must
be met in performing diagnosis of autism. This diagnosis can only be made by
the team physician or practitioner experts carefully observation of the based on behavior of children of autism and accompanied by a consultation
with the child's parents.
In fact, it is very difficult to
split the category or type of autism recall rare between one and the other
persons with autism have the same symptoms. Any persons with autism have the '
typical '-man himself on his own. In other words there are 1001 possible one
million types or one type of autism in this world that cannot be broken out one
by one. The term customarily used nowadays by the experts is the ' autism
spectrum ' disorder or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).
Children who have been diagnosed
and enter in the category of PDD has similarities in terms of deficiency the
inability to socialize and communicate, but the level of his abnormalities (his
spectrum) is different from each other. In fact, both light and heavy, without
concerted and intensive treatment, persons with autism is difficult
independently. Although so far there has been no strict division of nini to
indicate the degree of autism, are mild, moderate or severe. There are so many
types of disabilities or autism, making it more of a series of young grey to
taupe once (very varied). The use of the term heavy/severe autism and mild
autism can be misleading because if heavy or severe says parents can feel
frustrated and quit trying because it feels there is no point anymore.
Conversely, if a light is said to be severe or not so elderly people feel happy
and can also stop trying because it felt his son would heal on its own.
In order to help see several
large groups there, the autism spectrum can be seen from the main categories
1. Development of Pervasive
Disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders/PDD) consists of several types of
PPD among which are:
a. Autistic
b. Aspergers
c. Retts
d. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)
e. Pervasive Disorder of
childhood (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) or Not Otherwise Specified (PDD
Some differences between autism,
Aspergers, Retts, disintegratif at the time of Childhood Disorders (Childhood
Disintegrative Disorder/CDD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD NOS: are:
The inability to socialize and
communicate. Up to 3 years of age have high imagination in power play and has
the behavior, interests and activities that are unique (odd).
Categorized as an inability to
socialize and have an interest in and a limited activity in the absence of the
delay in the ability to speak. His intelligence is at a level of normal or
above normal.
There Are The main symptoms of Autism:
There Are The main symptoms of Autism:
- Failure to develop social normal2 influential.
- Disorders of
speech, language and komunikasi3.
- Abnormal
Relationships to Objects and Events4.
- An abnormal
Response to stimulation of sensoris5.
- Developmental
differences and developmental delay
- Began during
the age of the infant or child
Rett syndrome is a degenerative
disease, the inability of the day gets worse (is progressive). Just overwrite
the girls. Normal growth and then followed with the loss of expertise which had
previously ruled as well-in particular losing the ability to use hands which
renamed a recurring birthday hand movements (such as hand washing) starting at
age 1 to 4 years.
Symptoms may begin to age 6
months up to age 18 months
* Slow head
* Lost the
ability to use hand gestures
C. DISINTEGRATIF DISORDERS In Infancy (Childhood Disintegrative
Normal growth at age 1 to 2 years
later lost the ability that has previously been mastered very well.
The child is developing normally
in the first 2 years of age (such as: kominukasi, social skills, play and
behavior), but significantly disrupted the ability of the usis 10 years before,
who of them is ability:
- Languages
- Languages
- Social Skills
- Ability to
defecate and urinate in the toilet
- Play
- Motor
Additional symptoms, showed abnormal fungus at least two things from this:
- Social
- Communication Behavior patterns are limited to:
attention and activities
Read this Know The Symptoms Of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder And How To Treatment
Read this Know The Symptoms Of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder And How To Treatment
Typical symptoms of Asperger's
Syndrome is a disorder that arises intteraksi social limitations and symptoms
plus a repeat of attraction and behavior, aktifitasis. Have qualitative
disorders in social interaction, at least two symptoms of:
- Use of several disorders
characterized by non verbal communication (eyes, gaze, facial expression,
posture, body gestures)
- Can't play
with peers
- Disturbances
in enjoying the success of interest or
E. DEVELOPMENT Of PERVASIVE DISORDERS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder
– Not Otherwise Specified/PDD-NOS)
Commonly called autism not common
where the diagnosis PDD-NOS can be done if the child does not meet the criteria
of an existing diagnosis (DSM-IV), however, there is an inability on some of
his behavior. You can read more information Knowing PDD-NOS Is One Of The Autism Spectrum Disorders