How To Hone The Talent Possesed That Persons With Down Syndrome

I would like to review again what I understand in my previous articles about growth child disabilities down syndrome. Many parents worry that children who suffer from Down Syndrome could not be long-lived, unable to walk, talk or live life with meaning. A child who was born with Down Syndrome often predicted could not be long-lived. It is not easy for parents to accept the fact that their child was born with down syndrome. There is a feeling of sadness, disappointment, or even do not want to accept the fact.

Know the key of  treatment child sufferers of down syndrome is the sincerity of the parents receive a state their son. The aim is that the children can grow and develop well, and feel happy because his presence was received. The most important is the environmental factor. The community should give appreciation of their uniqueness. Down's syndrome children should be regarded as a privileged child. , show only down syndrome child with all its strengths and weaknesses.

Indeed in terms of the health of some children with Down Syndrome have an increased risk for heart defects, respiratory problems and hearing loss, alzheimer's disease, leukemia, etc. But this condition can now be treated, so that it can increase the life expectancy of people with down syndrome. So if you are the parents of children with down syndrome you don't have to worry about the condition of his health.
" Spirit of Down Sindrome "

In terms of the growing swell of his and his behaviour could be done with therapy. In the form of physical therapy with therapy treadmill, can also do some intervention as support in assisting the development of physical and psychological kids down syndrome, such as intervention in the form of special education. They can certainly go well if you absolutely sure of with the ability down syndrome children.

The most important now as parents of children with down syndrome are indeed mental preparation should be improved since its inception. Parents should be able to professionally and become the pride of the down syndrome children. When our son was born with a condition that was not expected, parents should be thankful because they were given by God for a special child rearing. HL also could also be a reflection of the parents of children in need and other special.

When knowing the child suffering from down syndrome, should immediately consult a doctor and psychologist to be handled properly. Do not overly focus on lack. Dig the interests and talents of the child down syndrome is more important to its future. Don't constantly think about things that he couldn't do because of your child's down syndrome. Why is this so? Because there must be another side to be proud of them. The trick is that children have mental retardation or down syndrome should be treated the same as other normal children. If given the chance, they can confidently and successfully. Trust Me..

No wonder many parents are precisely isolate and alienate the children down syndrome from their environment because of fear of embarrassment. Things that you are doing it wrong. As relatives, neighbors, friends, give your spirit, support and motivation for their families persons with down syndrome. Because of the support of the environment was the one who could make a down syndrome child's spirit to move forward and develop.

For parents who found out when her baby was sentenced to 1 year of down syndrome, do not be lulled long with sorrow. Stoic's heart, look forward, look forward, because these children need immediate help. The course is indeed long, but still consistent that they definitely can. They are also valuable for the family and the nation.

You can see a lot of people with down syndrome who are successful in the world of sport and music. Like Stephanie Handoyo, a 18 year old teen with down syndrome swimming champion in its class. In addition to Excel as a young swimmer, Stephanie also affirmed Indonesia's record Museum (MURI) as a piano player who was able to bring 23 successive songs – also in a musical event in Semarang, Central Java. Indonesian. Amazingly right..

Or as Michael Rosihan Yacub, a young 20-year-old golfer. In 2009 he then grabbed the world record as the one lone golfer – people with down syndrome in Asia. In the 18-hole tournament held MURI, Michael competed against the other normal golfer. And with an IQ of only 35, Michael was able to deepen the sport golf is known as a sport that requires high concentration.

Many people who are isolated and looked at the eyes of the people who have disorders such as down syndrome. We should give more affection and attention more to those who suffered from down's syndrome disorder due to the fact they also have talent and good potential in various fields when we can megayomi that person well. Therefore, we should be able to trial on people with down's syndrome disorder around us, do not be excommunicated for their point of view and one eye because in reality they are capable of doing it well.