Is It true That MMR Vaccine Cause Autism?

"MMR Vaccine"
Read the title of the article above, you may be asking what is called MMR. MMR is Mumps, Measles, and Rubella vaccine was against three different diseases measles, mumps, and rubella through a single injection when achild under age of 3 years. On childhood vaccinations given twice and have been very successful In suppressing the disease incidence, Mumps, Measles, and Rubella. For instance, before a vaccine is given to children, there are about 400,000 cases of measles reported annually in the United States, but in 1999 after the introduction of this vaccine, there are only 100 reported cases.

Autistic symptoms are usually first seen when a baby aged 12 to 18 months, in which he almost simultaneously with the MMR vaccine. Most autism is caused by genetic factors, so don't be afraid to give MMR vaccine in children. Rumors surrounding MMR Vaccination with autism a lot of milling about, but the average Community Trust for granted the news without finding out the truth. Sometimes due to myths that circulate in the community many parents who did not give her child immunization, for fear of her son's autism affected or ill after performing an immunization.

To date there has been no evidence to support that immunization (any type of immunization) can cause autism.  Who recommends the granting of all immunization on schedule has been determined. You don't instantly believe against all rumors are circulating regarding immunization, should find out the explanation through scientific sites on the internet or consult with your pediatrician. Been disturbed vaccination problems skyrocket autistic child has not yet subsided. After After MMR accused as the cause, Thimerosal as a preservative substances present in the vaccine also participated in as one of the factors underlying causes also. The issue is always unsettling. A mother wrote by e-mail how his son developed autism after vaccinated. Taken there, the protests here, thus making it more popular e-mail. Yet the issue has subsided, the translation of the book appeared titled Children With Starving Brains (Grasindo, 2002) results in writing a doctor who happens to have a grandchild with autism due to a vaccination. Many people, especially the elderly, to become restless after reading it. What actually happened?

What about the allegation that MMR vaccines trigger autism? Although this issue has evolved over the past few years and all the authorities already provide rebuttal, worries never subside. Like saying, there's no smoke when there is no fire. Where possible the issue of vaccine triggers autism appears without cause? So how is this polemic should be addressing?

There is a society that openly declare itself as a group of antivaksinasi. You know the issues surrounding vaccinations is always there and never stopped. Maybe they don't know that the benefits of such a vaccine is one of the greatest inventions. The history records, vaccination has saved many generations and prolong a person's life chances. The smallpox vaccine is one that manages to wipe out the disease from the face of the Earth in 1970. 

Vaccinations are not only beneficial to the people who run it, but it's helpful for people around the world. Vaccination with the possibility of transmission of the disease can be minimized. The benefits of this vaccine the number so fantastic it's been proven to reduce infant mortality, but of course coupled with improved nutrition and so on.

Vaccination is an act to provide protection of the immunity of the body of infants and children. Purposes and to immunization is to protect and prevent against infectious diseases that are very dangerous to infants and children. One of them is the MMR vaccine. Immunization is very important as prevention of diseases that have no cure, or deadly disease can cause disability and involves many people. In addition to immunization is also useful to protect children, lowering the incidence of infectious disease in the community as well as keeping families and children stay healthy. 

From there he takes the conclusion that vaccines are used incorrectly will cause negative effects. Therefore he suggested before the vaccinations done a child undergo screening first. Do the procedures giving vaccines, thorough history of autoimunity, is there asthma, there are not strong, and diabetes is not accepting the content of the existing substances in vaccines thimerosal include it.
One thing that is most important for parents and children should be given MMR vaccine before his son, see in advance what would've been able to talk fluently?. If it turns out that children haven't been able to talk, yet a lot of the vocabulary, or Lisp and its pronunciation is still unclear, it is advisable to postpone the MMR vaccination. 

There are indeed studies although is still controversial. At the age of 2 years old son caught having delay talk, it could be an indicator that something is not functioning perfectly in its development. In such conditions, it is feared his body will give negative reactions to the MMR vaccination. So do no wrong perception here, still need to be given MMR vaccine, but if the child shows delay talk and stuff, there's no harm in putting it off for a while. If there is a public hearing new information regarding the child's health if dubious, should ask his righteousness to the competent authorities, such as the trusted pediatrician.

Up to this point has not yet found a strong link between MMR vaccination and autism incidence because there has been no valid scientific publications  that supports it. However the cause of autism remains a mystery, where with one another may be triggered by different factors. Now that it is important for parents of autistic children is how to optimize its development with a variety of efforts that can be made.