Importance Knowledge About Humanistic Learning Theory For Children Needs Special

Understanding learning in it self is a process of interaction between educators and students in a learning environment to exchange information. The purpose of the study itself is formulated in terms of the behavior of competence specific, actual, measurable and as expected so that students can master the learning activities after following.
There is the term learning that may be less familiar name in the eyes of the person that is Humanistic learning theory, is a theory put forward in learning how human and humanizing the learners are able to put forward potential herself. Own learning process is aimed at the interests of the man himself. Humanistic learning theory is more abstract and more closer to the field of study of philosophy, theories of personality, and psychotherapy.
Humanistic Learning Theory
This theory is very worried about what was learned from the process of learning it self. Learning theory is a lot more talk about educational concepts to form human beings who aspired to, it is also about the process of learning in its most ideal. In other words, this theory was more interested in understanding learning in its most ideal from an understanding of the learning process as generally, as long as it is examined by other learning theories. 
In this theory the teacher as a facilitator, that help students in learning and implementing learning plans that correspond to the interests and abilities of the students so that they can implement the learning steps-the steps systematically.

The characters in this humanistic theory are Carl Rogers and Artur Comb,

A. Carl Roger

Distinguishing two characterize the study, namely:
(1) Meaningful Learning
Meaningful learning occurs if the learning process involves aspects of the thoughts and feelings of the learners.
(2) Learning that is not meaningful.
The study does not mean the case if in the learning process involves aspects of the mind but does not involve aspects of the feelings of the learners.

How the learning process can occur according to the humanism learning theory?. People learn because it wanted to know everything about her. Individuals choose something to study, cultivate the learning process in his own way, and judge it on its own about whether their learning process successfully. According to Roger, the role of the teacher in the learning activities of students according to the view of the theory of humanism is as a facilitator who plays an active role in:

(1) Helping to create a climate conducive for the students classes behave positively toward learning,
(2) Assist students to clarify their learning goals and giving freedom to the students to learn.
(3) Assist students to take advantage of the impetus and their ideals as the driving force of learning,
(4) Provide a range of learning resources to students, and
(5) Receive questions and opinions, as well as the feelings of the various students as it is.

B. Arthur Combs

Learning happens when has the meaning for the individual. The teacher can not impose material which is not preferred or not relevant to their lives. Children can not math or history, not because of the stupid but because they are reluctant and had to be real and feel there is no important reason they should learn it. Bad behavior is actually none other is simply from the inability of a person to do something that will not give satisfaction to her.

For that teachers need to understand student behavior by trying to understand the students ' perception of the world, so if want to change their behaviour, teachers should strive to change beliefs or views of existing students. The internal behavior of distinguishing one from the other. Combs argued that many teachers make the mistake of assuming that students want to learn in the lesson materials prepared and served properly. But the meaning is not unified on the subject matter.

So important is how to bring the students to obtain their personal meaning for of the lesson material and relate it to their lives. Combs gave the painting themselves in a world of perceptions someone like two circles (small and large) that dotted the Center at a. .. Tiny (1) circles is a picture of the great environment and self perception (2) is the perception of the world. Further those events of self-perception was further diminished its influence on behavior. So, things that have little connection with ourselves, the more easily it is forgotten.
The applications in this theory, students are expected to be a free man, brave, not bound by the opinions of others and set up his own responsibility without prejudice to the rights of others or violate the rules, norms, discipline,

The characteristics of teachers who are facilitative is:
1. Respond to  feelings of students
2. Using the ideas of students to carry out interactions that are designed
3. Dialogue and discuss with students
4. Appreciate students
5. Conformity between the behavior and deeds
6. Adjust contents of the frame of mind of students

7. Smile on students 

Advantages Of Humanistic Learning Theory :

1. This theory is suitable to be applied in the establishment of learning material personality, conscience, change attitudes, and an analysis of social phenomena.
2. Indicators of the success of this application is the students get excited about are passionate, proactive in learning and changing mindsets, behaviours and attitudes of their own accord.
3. Students are expected to be men who are free, not bound by the opinions of others and set up her own personal responsibly without prejudice to the rights of others or violate the rules, norms, discipline or ethics that apply.

Weaknesses Of  Humanistic Learning Theory :

1.  Students who do not want to understand the potential of him will be missed in the learning process.
2.  Students who are not active and lazy learning would be self-defeating in the learning process.

For a child in need this theory can be used as special consideration. No harm in trying. We know behind the shortage of children in need of special talent there is definitely an undercurrent that needs to be dug. One way is to follow the theory of humanistic learning