Know The Symptoms of Klinefelter Syndrome and Treatment

 Klinefelter Syndrome is a group of conditions that affect the health of the man who was born with at least one extra X chromosome. Klinefelter syndrome is found in the growth of the secondary sex which is characterized by the development of primary sex is not like a penis and testicles, which has smaller size than other gentlemen. Own chromosomes found in all body cells, contain genes Genes will give instructions specifically for body characteristics and functions.

Traits that often appears by sufferers of klinefelter syndrome is the change in sound is generally small, not to sound grown pubic hair and usually are often not fertile (infertile) caused by the addition of the X chromosome; for example, some genes determine height and hair color. Another gene affects language skills and reproductive functions. Each person usually has 23 pairs of chromosomes. One of these pairs (sex chromosomes) determines the gender of a person. A baby with two X chromosomes (XX) is a baby girl. A baby with one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY) is the baby boy.
About Klinefelter Syndrome

Boys with XXY chromosomes tend to have intellectual intelligence (IQ) under the child's normal average. The normal male has XY chromosomes, sex either, but klinefelter's Syndrome sufferers commonly XXY sex memilikikromosom. Klinefelter's Syndrome sufferers will experience infertility, mental retardation, and developmental disorders physical traits such as Gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands and arthritis at a magnification of the breast), etc. In addition people with klinefelter's awkward personality, has a shy, low self-esteem, or activities conducted under the average level (hipoaktivitas). On most sufferers of the syndrome of autism also occur. This happens because the body development and abnormal neuromotor.

Another trend experienced by people with klinefelter's delays and lack of verbal skills, as well as the delay in writing skills. The nature of the hand also more lefty found in people with the syndrome compared to normal humans. Adult patients, his sexual ability are more inactive than normal males.

Klinefelter Syndrome is not inherited from the parents. Characteristics and symptoms can vary. Some men have no symptoms, but doctors will be able to see the physical traits of the syndrome. Many men who are not diagnosed until puberty or adult hood. As much as two-thirds of men with the syndrome may never be diagnosed. Many men with klinefetler mosaic syndrome have some clear signs except the testes is very small.
The Diagnosis is based on physical examination, tests and analysis of chromosomes, hormones. This syndrome can also be diagnosed before birth but testing isn't done routinely at that time. Clinical symptoms of klinefelter syndrome is characterized by the development of sexual characteristics that are abnormal or not progressing, such as the testes are small and aspermatogenesis (failure to produce sperm). Small testes caused by testicular germinal cells and cell interstital fails to develop normally. interstital cell is a cell that is in between the cells of gonads and male sex hormones may determine. In addition, people with the syndrome also experience deficiency or deficiency of androgen hormones, body height, increased levels of gonadotropin, and gynecomastia.

Klinefelter patients will experience impaired coordination exercise, such as jumping, balance difficulties, and the movement of the motor body is slowing down. Seen from the outside, the physical appearance of people with klinefelter has muscles that are small, but experienced a lengthening of legs and arms. In addition to laboratory examination can be done by checking the hormones FSH, Testoterone, Esterogen, and LH.

Men with Klinefelter's Syndrome should be seen by a team of health care providers. Treatment can help a man overcome many physical problems, social and learning problems that are part of the syndrome. Health teams involved include endocrinologists, general practitioners, pediatricians, speech therapist, Urologist, genetic counselors, and psychologists. Surgery may be needed to reduce the size of the breast. With treatment, people can live a perfectly normal life.

Doctors usually recommend this inspection if the patient has signs of reproductive disorders or the pituitary gland. In some situations, these tests are also conducted to confirm menopause. FSH tests are usually performed to help diagnose problems with sexual development and fertility, menstrual, and is also indicated for patients with klinefelter syndrome are male with testes that did not develop and infertility.

This article above is only general information about klinefelter sindrome. More information more details about these sindrome. The bottom line as parents we should know early on when there are abnormalities in our children especially in the behavior and communication when they are still toddlers.