Dyspraxia A Little Known Disease

Now just lately I'm hearing more and more about helping people. Basically this is all implying that if you are going to write about or do something then it must help people. That people are going to be more inclined to read and comment if this is the way things are done. Sounds good? In many ways I remain sceptical about this. Now the problem comes in that it depends what one is writing about, whether this is popular or not. What's popular got to do with it? Although they are entirely right. It's just that something happened to me in my teenage years that has coloured my life ever since.This has been the motivation of my life since then, which is, don't sick back and let it ride, no, you have to fight for it.

A little about Dyspraxia.
Now even today very little is still really known about this disease. As far as I'm aware it's a motor neuron disease. This means that it has no effect on the persons level of intelligence. However, it has a major effect on motor co-ordination skills and speech can be difficult to understand. Normally picked up in childhood where the baby is slow to crawl and speak amongst many other things. As far as I'm concerned it's not the end of the world although it must be a terribly traumatic time for the parents when they first hear of this. I have good reason to talk like this you see because I had a school friend many, many, years ago who suffered from this. He is the perfect example of overcoming obstacles.

Motivation and leadership.
So what I mean to say is sometimes the best way of helping people is by leading from the front. Never giving in no matter what your affliction is.Now at about this time a balancing act has to come into play, which is, it's not all about you. Or in other words people played a pivotal point in you life. Your parents, your siblings your doctor, your occupational therapists, your teachers, your friends and just plain people who were prepared to give you a leg up somewhere along the line. Never forget the importance of this.
Which brings us back to helping people. Quite right and it comes in many forms. Now this doesn't mean that you only have to help people who have some affliction, far from it. It means purely and simply helping people. Be this in giving them some advice they never knew about or just pointing out a silly mistake. It works wonders and is so motivating. Try it someday you might be surprised.