Down Syndrome Treatment

Today we have a long list of incurable diseases which happen due to complex neurological or chromosomal behavior. Down syndrome is one such disorder, which is a result of notorious chromosomal activity right at the fetus formation stage. This disorder is also called as Trisomy 21 or Chromosome 21 Trisomy.

In other words, there are 3 chromosomes 21 found in the Down syndrome affected baby, hence called trisomy. Since it is a chromosomal problem there is no cure to it. This condition happens mainly because of abnormal gene translocation activity, which is highly complex and can't be cured with medicines. Downsyndrome treatment is a combination of different therapies along with medical approach. The treatment focuses mainly on controlling symptoms and any medical conditions resulting into this disorder. Symptomsof Down syndrome range from mild to severe.

Children with this disorder exhibit slow mental and physical development. Physical abnormalities are quite obvious with abnormal facial developments like protruding tongue, small chin, abnormal height, weight and size. Below are the therapies used in the Down syndrometreatment:
  • Down Syndrome
1. Medical  
Doctors generally note the early symptoms and diagnose the disease. Right treatment depends on the symptoms child shows. Pediatricians keep a check on symptoms like loss of vision, speech, delayed movement, heart congenital disease and others. This disorder is accompanied with many critical medical problems like congenital heart disease, leukemia and other cancers, thyroid problems, seizure disorders, vision problems, etc.
2. Surgical
Many Downsyndrome children are also affected with congenital heart diseases which require surgery. Some are mild and can be treated, but some heart defects are very critical and require surgeries.

3. Physical-Delayed 
Physical development and motor movement is observed in Down syndrome children. This therapy focuses on the development of motor movement and teaching appropriate way to move their body. It is effective in improving muscle tone.

4. Speech-People or children with this disorder face speech problems. 

Due to small mouth and large tongue conditions lead to articulation problems resulting into no clarity of speech. With this therapy, a speech therapist will help children to communicate clearly and express their needs.  This is achieved with talking or with the help of sign language.

The entire approach depends on individual symptoms exhibited. In addition to all the above bunch of therapies involved in Down syndrome treatment, regular check ups and most importantly family support is required. There are centers which provide parental counseling and medical information on dealing with this disorder effecrively.