What is Dyslexia And How To Treatment

Dyslexia is a learning disorder. So, unlike a dyslexia disease which can be caused by bacteria, a virus or infection. Before the diagnosis, many older Dyslexic who are difficult to understand. Dyslexia is no relation to the intelligence of the child. That is usually seen is there are subjects in school that doesn't get good grades. But good or whether the value can not be a benchmark of his intelligence. You need to know that children of dyslexia is not the children who are lazy, stupid, or crazy. They are the children of the Artless that has buried talent that may not be owned by the other kids. They were not the child who is not normal, but they are children with disabilities in terms of writing and reading.

People with dyslexia have problems with reading comprehension and writing. Because reading is one of the important elements in the learning, dyslexic children hard at mastering the basic skills of reading and it greatly affects its value. That's roughly the State of children suffering from specific learning disorder dyslexia. That's roughly the State of children suffering from specific learning disorder dyslexia. They get caught up in a world full of writings that are not understood. Well for the term dyslexia dyslexia itself that refer to disorders of reading that is owned by someone, such as difficulty reading, read, understand the difficulty to distinguish letters like b, d, q, p, v, u, n, and others. Another case with children with symptoms of a slow learner, a child who was diagnosed with dyslexia IQ should have average or above average.

Once again the children who suffer from dyslexia also have problems digesting the information submitted in the form of writing. Most of them are difficulty in pronouncing a word or sound that is compiled from a few specific letters such as the ones mentioned above. So you have to perhatiakan it and understand is if your child suffers from dyslexia in training them to learn we have to be careful not to criticize too much, why? because children who suffer from dyslexia are prone to have motivation and self-esteem are falling down or easy. When the child begins to realize she has difficulty in reading and he has remained distant from his friends, he would have hated the lessons in reading and simply gave up the (strike) when facing difficult words.

To overcome the lazy action reading this can be redirected by way of learning to read through his or her talents. For example, a child who has an interest in music. We can teach reading basic tones such as do, re, mi, etc. Or it might have an interest in cooking, there we can teach reading the recipe and told her to cook. From there we will be able to see the extent to which children's ability of understanding and the understanding of the readings.

Back again the way teaches dyslexic children on learning that if your child is in the stage of yet can tell which letters like b and d, then a way of teaching that needs to be done is learn the letter one by one. For example, focus on teaching time at letter b. Write the letter b in the large size and then ask the child to say while his hands follow the letter b or create a certain code by hand. Continuous practise until she can understand and after that start go to the letter d. 

According to Baumer (1996) there are some children who can already read but he had a problem with understanding (comprehension). Here are some ways of teaching you can do if your child is weak, understanding:

1. Choose an interesting story on the level where 98% he could understand the words in the story. Ask him to recite it out loud and say to us what he has read.
2. If a child can't do this, ask it to read silently, stopping every paragraph and tell us what she had read.
3. When developing the understanding of it, add the number of paragraphs that he read until he could read and understand the entire page.
4. To assist in the understanding of it, you can give you referrals: what do you think the perceived the figure? What will happen next? How does the story end?

There are two ways to teach a child to read the words: see and hear the words one by one. Read the story with the child proved quite effective because we can directly cross-check direct understanding. For example, when the child does not understand the word ' came up, we could have said ' rises ' to ask ' when the morning sun comes up or disappearing? ' and then when the child answered ' come up ' we make it clear that that is what is meant by ' publication '. Or make the printed word in large sizes, such as for example ' book ', after that we say ' books ', and then ask the children to repeat what we say that ' the book '. Show these words constantly, then add a few words he already know, until he can recognize and pronounce it right away as soon as she saw the word ' book '.

Portrays the words not understood can teach children to mark words that haven't he understand. Here we should not force children to follow our way we want. Because we need to identify the extent of his ability. If he is unable to understand one page, cut it into several paragraphs. If he could not understand some of the paragraphs, cut it into a single paragraph, and so on until it came to the one sentence.

Child dyslexia has a short term memory is limited to a minimal vocabulary and so need a lot of reinforcement. How to teach children reading and dyslexia was not an easy process. Vary the methods through word games or invited the streets while teaching reading the writings in existence. And the most important thing in the process of learning this is give the slightest appreciation on its development.

Experts recently have found that cases of dyslexia has to do with genetics. So, if you or your husband is suffering from dyslexia, chances are your children can also suffer from dyslexia. But the most important thing that dyslexic children require special attention from parents and people around him. However, this is the thing that is often overlooked by most parents.

But if we can point to the good, son of dyslexia have advantages not possessed by children who have other drawbacks. They are children who are exceptional. Not a few of them have high imagination power. Take a look at Albert Einstein, a scientist, a famous actor Tom Cruise, Thomas Alfa Edison inventor lights. They are Dyslexic.

Baumer, Bernice h. (1996). How to Teach Your Dyslexic Child to Read. New York: Kensington Publishing Corp.