Knowing The Symptoms Of Autism Infatile In Toddlers

Knowing the toddler growth early on is very important. As parents have to really understand it. Especially in children aged less than 3 years, noteworthy for their psychological development. In infancy or old time span between 0 – 2 years, children are completely dependent upon parents. During this period who became supporters of the children's psychological factors are:

  • Contact the nearest baby with her mother.
  • The biggest mother's affection given to mothers to their children that creates a sense of calm and confidence to his son.
  • Mother's affection will determine the child gave a positive response or a negative against his son.
  • Children are not taken care of his physical development will be uninterrupted.

  • The feeding of the child is an important in the beginning of the formation of the personality of the child.
  • Aiming to satisfy the needs of eating comfortably as desired emotional satisfaction and a baby in the suck.

"Autism Infatile" 
During this period (less than 3 years) could happen to widespread development disorder (Infantile Autism) when viewed in event of a failure of communication, social interaction and behavior that is limited. In children with infantile autism could be seen that he is not seeking the affection of parents at all, there is no reaction to eye contact, her response was so bad, he could not accept when uncle, aunt or the handler or rebuke him. Children with infantile autism is absolutely no empathy and no response to the emotions of others. When given the emotional cues (e.g. waving hand), the child will not respond or give a positive response.

Communication disorders in autism infantile usually she likes strange, rambling on in a language not too flexible, expressive less able to give cues the body to the environment e.g. when the child wishes to take toys, he is less able to express them.

While disorders of infantile autism behavior can be seen from the way the game goes rigid and monotonous/always repeated his game. Usually normal for children to easily get bored with one game. But in the infantile autism is just the opposite. This child like beulang times clapping or head-tossing his head. His creativity was very limited, like the strange objects (not familiar). As well as the presence of invisible change routine rejection reactions such as when parents move the furniture in a room, the child will be raging.

Countermeasures against children with infantile autism symptoms required from parties who are experts in handling this problem. His rigid attitude in the play needs to be addressed. And the necessary attention to older people who are more against it. As well as patient and painstaking attitude required from her parents to help her son's development.