Know The Symptoms Of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder And How To Treatment

Talk about children in need special very interesting. We can learn to know them, their character, as well as how to treat them. One of these is Childhood disintegrative disorder or abbreviated as CDD. Is a condition in children that are marked with the terlambatnya language development, motor skills and social function. Many children who are late for this crash is detected, because not yet clarity signs in nature.

" Childhood Disintegrative Disorder"
But in childhood disintegrative disorder usually occurs later than autistic disorder and involve more dramatic in terms of skills. In addition, childhood CDD disintegration is much less common than autism. Treatments for disorders of childhood breakup involves a combination of medication, behavioral therapy and other approaches. The researchers have yet to find the cause of this disorder. CDD has similarities with autism sometimes, and sometimes regarded as a form of low functioning,

Similarities with autism is both involving normal development followed by a significant loss of language, social, and motor skills. CDD also known as Heller's syndrome, is a condition in which children develop normally until the age of 2 to 4 years, but then showed a decrease or loss of social skills, communication and other skills.

A child who is experiencing the normal CDD generally shows the development generally until the age of 2 years and obtain a development of verbal and nonverbal communication, social relationships as well as age-appropriate motor. However, between the ages of 2-10 years some of these developments are disappearing along with increasing age ranging from social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors.

Once again the cause of CDD surely still unknown. Sometimes CDD suddenly arise within a few days or weeks, while in other cases evolved over a long period of time. According to the Mayo Clinic pointed out: comprehensive medical and neurological examination in children diagnosed with the disorder the disintegration of childhood seldom uncover the causes underlying medical or neurological Despite the occurrence of epilepsy is higher in children with disorders of the disintegration of childhood, experts don't know whether epilepsy plays a role in causing the disorder". CDD has also been linked to certain other conditions, in particular the following:

1. Tuberous sclerosis (TSC): in this disorder, tumors can grow in the brain and on other vital organs such as the kidneys, heart, eyes, lungs, and skin. In these conditions, non-cancerous (benign) tumors, hamartomas, growing in the brain.

2. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, chronic infection of the brain by a form of the measles virus causes subakut sclerosing panencephalitis. This condition leads to brain inflammation and the death of nerve cells. This condition causes inflammation of the brain and nerve cell death.

3. Lipid storage diseases or disorders of FAT: in this condition, a toxic buildup of excess fat (FAT) occur in the brain and nervous system.

Treatment and therapy for children :

1. Children who are exposed to permanent disabilities face in certain areas and require long-term care. Treatment of CDD involves behavioural therapy and treatment. There is not a permanent cure for CDD – the loss of language and skills related to social interaction and self-care are rather serious.

2. Similar to Autistic disorders. Behavioral therapy is performed also on CDD goal is teaching children to learn language, back self-care and social skills. Behavioral therapy involves a number of health care personnel from various fields such as psychologists, speech therapists, physical therapists and occupational therapists..Programs designed in this case using a system of rewards to reinforce the desired behavior and prevent behavior problems. At the same time, parents, teachers and caregivers also use behavioral therapy. An approach that is consistent with all the relevant results in better treatment.