Your Child And Autism

Your child has started showing symptoms of Autism or has already been diagnosed. These symptoms usually include problems in social interaction, language and behavior. Children with Autism do not all exhibit the same symptoms as others. Autism is a Neuro developmental disorder, and is in epidemic levels. Symptoms usually appear before the age of three and need early recognition and intervention to insure the best possible outcome. By understanding, accepting and applying support and the right techniques, this condition can be greatly affected in a positive way.
Severe Autism include a inability to communicate, or interact with other people including their own parents. Some indicators includes:
>Repetitive movements including rocking and handflapping.
>Specific routines or rituals such as constant movement, a fascination with objects, sensitivity to light, touch, sound
>Early signs: Baby does not babble by 12 months, cannot say key work phrases by 24 months, loses language or social skills over time., does not say any words by 16 months.
There is not a single known cause, although it is thought to be genetic or environmental. There have been no link to vaccines. Many studies and help is offered worldwide for this problem which can be devastating to parents. But what are mistakes that parents make when dealing with the child with Autism? A child may not be protected from Autism, but there are ways to assist in their development and therefore gain acceptence without feelings of guilt and also avoid mistakes that could effect the child long term.
Learn Autism

Childhood expert Sandra Arntzen M.Ed, instructs in what she has learned in working with Autistic children for twenty years and encourages parents to look forward to their child's future. Sandra Arntzen talks about the mistakes often made by well meaning parents and way of correcting them that can make a huge difference in the Autistic child's development.
Essentially there is help With the right mindset and understanding of how to effectively deal with the disorder, many parents and children are benefiting with better outcomes for both. Having a behavior plan, overcoming guilt feelings and understanding what to do to help your child's Autism Spectrum Diagnosis, can help your child reach their full potential.